Hello, remember me? A few weeks ago, I was featured in this report, straight build from the box...
Well, know my owner has given me an overhaul, and painted some details on me, so now I look far more presentable.
Talking of Gundam, I've been trying to sort my japanese trading card collection by series in my binders, armed with volume 4 of the card guide. Let's keep it at the fact that the Japanese can make things immensely complex, with starter sets, then Expansion boosters that 'spread' their cards over VARIOUS starter en base sets, only to round it out with more esxpansions on expansion sets like the Dramatic sets, who distribute again over the previous sets. All with different icons to boot...
I got half the cards still in Limbo to figure out where they have to go, but at least I can make a more or less fresh start with the 'evolution' of the game into Nex-A, also by Cardass Cardmasters, but with more and easier to access checklists to be found online.
What Have I Been Tapping?
Just the FNM, resulting with a slightly tuned deck in another 2 - 2 like last week. The deck seems to work, bar against Jund whose Thragtusks are to much to overcome. They also cycle out in 4 weeks, so that is one problem I'll just have to live with, but the only other loss was against a green elven deck, due to having to mulligan twice to 5 cards on the play. Wins where against an RDW deck, and a Sliver red green aggro deck. I drop life fast against those, but can stabilise and retaliate big time before they can kill me off it seems.
Talking Magic, with the GP Antwerp end of october, I joined a side-bet with already 3 other Outpost players. We're going to compete with identical decks (I'll post the decklists when they are ready), and the person to end the lowest of them all has to pay the final evening all the beer. I'm going to do my best not to be the payer, but I'm already counting myself lucky it's a school holiday the week after, cause I fear I'm going to sport one heck of a hangover...
What have I Been Collecting?
Got myself a very nice collectible card case from the Crusade Saint Seiya game. These where handed out to store tournament winners in japan, so people who see my collection can also think I won one. Not by far, but it is a cool must have. Add to that a fresh promo for my collection, and we keep getting closer to the completionist goal.
I've been adding all my saints and mecha to a Facebook album as well labelled Collection Intervention, which can be found here. When strolling, feel free to add me as well if you like.
Another cool thingy I received this week, waiting for a tune up and repaint, are these Heroclix mecha models
What Have I Been Watching?
Formula One... Belgium... most boresome local GP of the last years actually, I didn't enjoy it one bit bar Alonso managing to go to second place. Vettel passed Hamilton in the first corner, and that was it for the tension of the whole race, there wasn't even a bump or a tug in the first corners, on La Source or on the Radillion.
What I have enjoyed though, is a DVD of The Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers. Even after 30 years, the cartoons are enjoyable, definitly better then the crap they play on Nickolodeon these days, and Niko is still hot. Though I doubt I'd ever want a psychic girlfriend, dirty mind and such things you know...
What Have I Been Gaming?
Past night I did manage to platinum X-Men Destiny (see the post under this), but truth to be told, my team has been doing the most work, mostly on The Smurfs 2.
On the other hand, PS4 has been announced and will be available in Europe even sooner then expected. Even so, I did place and had confirmed a series of pre-orders, being Marvel Lego on both the Vita and the PS3, the new Skylanders Swap Force (yay, yet another Portal of Power), AND I have confirmation of the Play Asia well received order for Saint Seiya Brave Soldiers. Bar the munchkin receiving Disney Infinity for his birthday next month, that means end of the line for PS3 games I'll be getting, I'm already getting rid of most of my games now before they go the PS2 route in three months.
What Have I Been Reading?
Another instalment of Episode G, issue 9 this time ( I had taken that one along and leaving issue 8 at home by accident, well, some retroreading comming up then). A heavily wounded Shura and Aiolia are attacked but saved by the golden Taurus Saint Aldebaran, who ignored the Pope's orders of non fighting by the Gold Saints. An order he revokes immediatly afterwards. Further in the story, the Titan Oceanos is engaged by Aquarius Camus, and reveals the grand scheme as Chronos wants to regress time, in order to go back to a time before humans and their gods existed, giving the Titans a free reign.
Well, that's it for another small overview this week, let me just point out the following upcomming event next weekend, where the 'local watering hole' closes down their street for two days of game initiations, workshops and the likes. If weather allows, I'm going to drop by with the GF and the Munchkin, to help them further upon the path of corruption ;-)
Ciao ciao for now!
From Barks: More 40K (136 points)
Because of reasons, this may be my last post this Challenge. I've not
reached my ambitious target, but it has been good to get paint on figures.
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