Another month gone, as the competition is now entering it`s finale stage. Two thirds of the way down and truth to be told, Team AnRoDr are going to put in some extra effort before victory escapes from their grasp and Lady Defeat welcomes them in her cold embrace.
This was also the last month I had `full game time`, but even though I managed to give a decent blow to the opposition, I`m leaving for school come monday.
This resulting in being out for studying on mondays, wednesdays and thursday evenings, combined with homework and a lot of expected programming on the horizon, the best I`ll be able to do the comming months is, well, damage control. And to streak out during school holidays.
Programming and Game desing. At least I have working titles for the very wrong ideas in my mind, being either Tattoo Artist or Kaiju! Kaiju!! we`ll see in the end.
So let`s move on to the scoreboard for August 2013
Deciding the winner:
then a gap of 8400 is a victory for me, more then 9000 points gap is a
victory for Andy, and in between those two extremes it becomes a draw
The oversight of gained spoils, updated after every monthly update post.
Last update: 29st of August 2013
Points: 56.235 + 4.515 points
Level: 17 - 2% + 67%, + 1 level
Platinum Trophies: 15 + 3
Gold Trophies: 145 + 12
Silver Trophies: 429 + 29
Bronze Trophies: 1841 + 135
Games played: 330 + 13
Games Beaten: 39 + 5
Points: 53.940 + 2.670 points
Level: 16 - 74% + 34%
Platinum Trophies: 15 + 2
Gold Trophies: 138 + 6
Silver Trophies: 411 + 22
Bronze Trophies: 1766 + 74
Games played: 222 + 9
Games Beaten: 30 + 2
This means Andy starts the year with a lead of 8670 points, currently the gap is - 2295 (WIN TOMSCHE)
So I totally outscored Andy over the whole line this month (okay, thruth be told, this month it has mainly been my team doing the scoring), even for the first time in Platinums, and I *know* I`ll be adding 3 more to that tally in the comming month. To many games down to one or two trophies for a platinum at the moment, so it is just a matter of focus and popping them.
Though truth to be told, I`m going to rest on my laurels come september with the damage control mode, going to play most of my Gundam games further, something I severly neglected during the summer holiday period. And play Saint Seiya rotten when the new one arrives in december... after the exams... during the final holiday week of the year...
Andy is now in the not so enviable position that in order to win, he needs to outscore me 11.295 points in 4 months, giving that I don`t score a single point anymore. This means about 2.825 points a month, or roughly 705 points a week. That is either 2 PSN games or 2/3rds of a `full game` to complete a week.
I *think* I`m entering the safezone now, just a final bump in the calmer first weeks of september and then, sorry Andy, I fear it is going to be a done deal...
From Barks: More 40K (136 points)
Because of reasons, this may be my last post this Challenge. I've not
reached my ambitious target, but it has been good to get paint on figures.
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