Well, this week it is going to be a post of many new brave minifigures that have joined my cause in trying to get to the 100% completion ratio of Minifigures Online.
Like I said last week, I would be sorting out all those flyers I still have lying around from all sorts of series 12 and a few series 13 figures, and enter them into the game, resulting in 6 more unique codes and figures to start scoring points with :-)
Form Series 12, three more joined the ranks, and as such that also meant the full series now has been collected, as Lifeguard, Prospector and Swashbuckler line up.
While from Series 13 the Alien Trooper, Paleontologist and Disco Diva make sure I can keep hunting for more and more parts in the hope of finally having those Gingerbread Man legs drop...
But on the other side, I also did score a hefty amount of achievement points, as no less then 6 figures reached their legendary status.
This happened when 5 of them unlocked their 7th skill set: Holiday Elf, Island Warrior, Lady Robot, Motorcycle Mechanic and Roman Commander each obtained their at least final 3900 stars to open these.
While grinding those, Mermaid also got to the status by smashing at least 5000 objects...
So in has been an active, good week for the score table, making me near the 54% mark. Next week, being Valentine and such, I will not be upping an episode as I have still a lot to do, but when The Plan returns in two weeks I hope to be up and about at the 60% completion rate, hopefully obtained by getting the new additions to the first 10 completed achievements each and the odd legendary status left or right.
See you then!
From ByronM - Challenge 15 sign off post
Well, I made it to the end of yet another Painting Challenge, even if I
didn't meet my target points. This year was a lot of fun, and I finally
felt go...
42 minuten geleden
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