While I have been playing with the book since it came out, I finally gotten through all the background stories and rules for units that, well, don`t rock my boat... like the non-Slaanesh forces.
The codex Chaos Space Marines, or Heretic Astartes as they are officially called, is the tome for all the dark forces to go to...
... well, together at the moment with the Index 1 and 2 if you want to field detachments of Daemons, Knights, or Renegade Guard... bit of a pity not everything Chaos-sy is put together in one volume.
But it is a lovely produced book, with a nice mixture of artworks and miniature pictures. While I`m not going into all the rules for the units and such, some did get a welcome boost from their Index versions, like the Possessed going to two wounds for example.
It also comes with all the special rules of course to play your chaos forces of evil Marines, unless you play Death Guard, who already received their codex, or Thousand Sons, who are coming somewhere next year apparently. This does spell some bad news (for now?) for the forces of the two other main gods, being Khorne`s World Eaters and Slaanesh's Emperor's Children, as that will mean they won`t end up with codexes and primarchs for now.
Not that it is that important to be honest, we get a lovely selection of units with a lot of variation compared to their loyalist brethren. And in the end, the only difference between most legions is their "relic" and a stratagem for them specific after all. Bit like what every force is receiving at the moment with the Chapter Approved book.
A nice production, and a lovely evolution in the rules for my favorite pink marines!
WW2 Gurkhas
While taking stock of the Chindits and Gurkhas the other day, I realized
the only thing I had to finish that collection (and have another army at
1000 po...
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