The last painting overview of the year, and it has been not only a good month, but let`s have a look at the amount of figures I churned out as well in this year of the great return.
But first, let`s take look at december itself, a month once again dominated by the colour pink, but also the start of the AHPC8.
The first model I finished this month was the Irish mounted noble, for use in the Dux campaign should I go for a cavalry approach... which means I should really get that new plastic Dark Age cavalry by Gripping Beast first.
The Emperor's Children saw a lot of reinforcements this month, and clicking me over the needed 3k mark for the big battle in may. Dark Apostle, pre-heresy Havocs, 2 blocks of Cultists, the Knight and a second Helbrute all swelled the ranks of Slaanesh's favorite legion, as well as a troupe of Seekers of Slaanesh for the upcoming Daemon detachment.
The AHCP, in the 11 days it has been running, has already seen me enter a couple of units. Two bands of 6mm models for Future Commander, a group of 10mm ECW cavalry, and a regiment of crossbowmen with a wizard from my Alpine Gnomes reinforced my Empire.
All together, that is a lovely 92 models that left lead mountain for their spaces in the cabinets.
So what did I do in 2017?
As this has been the year of making great returns, I basically had to start from scratch. All sorts of armies have been restored to at least "playable" numbers, like The Empire or my Irish, while others where rebuild from scratch, mainly my 40k force. Check the Armies tab on the blog for a look at how the forces are currently, and apart from them, some like the Dark Elves are on their way out (see earlier posts on the why that is for example).
6mm Sci-fi Infantry:120
6mm Sci-fi Cavalry: 20
6mm Sci-fi Vehicles: 21
10mm Historical Cavalry: 16
28mm Historical Infantry: 163
28mm Historical Animals: 10
28mm Historical Cavalry: 5
28mm Scenery: 1
30mm Heroic Infantry: 246
30mm Heroic Cavalry: 16
30mm Heroic Monster:3
30mm Heroic Vehicle: 5
That's a massive amount of models, totalling no less then 626 models painted between april, when I decided to get back in, and now. Granted, the 6mm and the relative ease of 28mm dark age warriors adds a lot to the tally rather quickly, but still...
Let`s see if we get to 1.000 models in 2018 now, won't we xD
WW2 Gurkhas
While taking stock of the Chindits and Gurkhas the other day, I realized
the only thing I had to finish that collection (and have another army at
1000 po...
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