Another set of scatter terrain has been finished, by Noshi this time, from the big red box of old stuff I showed a few weeks ago.
To be used on our demo table, it contains a few bits and bobs suitable for littering around the hamlet.
These barrels and crates are all resin made models I obtained years ago at some convention, I believe it was in Lille around 2011 IIRC, and now have been touched up and strong toned to serve on the battlefield.
The Eagle is an old figure I once bought just as "token" next to my Iron Brigade in the ACW half a dozen years ago ('Old Abe'), but who know will become part of the river on the game board...
This is looking good for the table...
The Big Push has started
Now the soldiers of the assorted states of the Holy Roman Empire have been
recruited, along with their neighbours from the United Provinces, the task
of or...
11 uur geleden
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