donderdag 20 maart 2025

TSA Escalation League 2025: Round 3 - Raiders of the Lost at Sea

 Being a port city, Marienburg is often the target of enemy raiders.

Giacommo stood on the beach, together with his trusted wizard advisor. Intelligence reports had learned that a small raiding party of Marauders was under way to the shores of Marienburg, ready to pillage and plunder.  But the army stood ready in an effort to repel the attack... and stood... and waited.  They waited for days, but the raiding party never came, seemingly having diverted their intrests to another port.  A big crab scuttled by on the sandy beach, as Giacommo gave the order to return to the city walls... and for his personal cook to fire up the pot for some good crab-soup.

And in this third round of the campaign, I faced Dundie and his Wolves of the Sea.

With my force now standing at 960 points, two more regiments have joined the ranks.  A unit of 6 Pistoliers with full command, and an additional unit of Handgunners bulk out the numbers and add some mobility to the force.  In addition, all three missile units now have light armour, a bit of a useless investment but it will allow me to "exchange" those points in future games for something totally different that has been planned...

The Raiders had won their first two games, and had a 5 point bonus compared to my Empire force, so that was as good as equal terms.  But then, a few days before the battle, my opponent needed to forfait the game and I scored the maximum possible points as a result.

As such, nothing much to show bar the two units that joined the ranks, and mark a victory with maximum points as well as a 100% painted score on the excel table for the League.

The result is that for the next month, I have 1200 points at my disposal, and now the options for war machines have become available as I am over that 1000 point barrier.  So for next round, the guns will be rolled out!
Now just to choose which ones...

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