donderdag 20 maart 2025

Warhammer Underworlds III @ Dragons Gaming Club

 And so we return to the event where I won my very first tournament in like ever last year, after decennia of close finishes in a variety of games.

And this time, for the second edition of Underworlds and still no other games under the belt bar the ones from the Mines of Alost tournament, I would bring Ironsoul's Condemnors.  
At first I wanted to take the Thorns of the Briar Queen with a total no combat required deck, which like the Paths of Prophecy would be all or nothing to work.  And then I thought, "fuck off, I'm going to vie for the win, no need to be nice".  Especially as I expected a lot of Gardeners and a lot of Jaws... and then it helps to have constant accurate 2 damage attacks even when uninspired.
 But there was a twist, it was Nemesis format.  So one needs to blend two decks together, find synergies, and finetune the deck.  Which obviously I didn't get to do, so I would go with a raw concoction and see how it would go.  So I went for a hyperaggressive approach (raise your hand, one guy who is suprised at this) of Blazing Assault and Reckless Fury!  The latter has been nerfed, but still has great cards to supplement the BA deck, where you can get the bad cards out (I'm looking at you, Annihilation) and switch in some decent scoring 2 and 3 glory ones instead.
It's clobberin' time!!!

So we returned to the cosy cellar of Mishra's Playground for some good cardchucking and dicerolling fun!


My first game put me against Peter and his Jaws of Itzl, so a very aggressive game was in the making.  However, the Condemnors (or better said, it's pilot) are just that bit more aggressive and aided with the dice in the first round steamrolled over the lizardmen.  When the dust settled, Ironsoul took back an 18-10 victory home.

For the second game I was paired against Arnaud, and he brought Morgwaeth's Blade-coven, in which was actually a very difficult match-up.  Using Pillage and Plunder, the agile aelves kept running around and away, but eventually I did manage to catch them and grabbed a 17-13 victory.
During the lunch break, the voting was done for the Best Painting, and the results in the end where as follows, with every player allowed to cast 3 votes.


1. Nico - Spiteclaw's Swarm - 22 pts
2. Peter Van den Bossche - Grandfather's Gardeners - 19 pts
3. Simon - Borgit's Beastgrabbaz - 13 pts
4. Wim - The Emberwatch - 10 pts
5. myself with Ironsoul's Condemnors and Arnaud with Margwaeth's Blade-coven - 4 pts 
Peter van den Broeck with Jaws of Itzil and Vincent with The Grymwatch didn't get any votes cast their way.

So, McDonalds then first, and off we went for the second half of the event.


Now tied at the lead with Nico, whose Spiteclaw's Swarm had been massing glory with two 20+ wins, we faced off.  Unfortunatly, his little rats proved no match for my ironclad warriors, and when the dust settled there was a 22-10 victory on the board.


So that meant, it was time for the finale, and facing me was Vincent and his Pillage and Plundering Grymwatch.  There where just to much ghouls to keep in check, though he crawled through the needle at times.  In my first charge, Brodus reached Crackmarrow, but while the dice worked perfectly so far, he missed, and I had Outburst in hand for maybe a lucky finisher.  In the second round, Taviamn missed no less then 3 times to take his leader out, so the ghouls kept coming back.  And in the final moment, he defended against an attack with Brodus or the one ghoul that hadn't charged would be taken down, allowing me to score Unrelenting Massacre and the bounty for 4.  But alas, now I went down with a 21-24 defeat (see how close it was, it really came down on his very last defence roll).


The Condemnors had given their all, but in the final result they had to settle for second place.  This yielded me a nice little certificate, as well as some very intresting lecture though.  Add to that the pretty stagger tokens we got as a participation gift, and a heap of Star Trek Attack Wing I found there under a staircase and got a really, really good deal on (30 euro for everything shown blurrily below), and this was a big success for me.  Though after all the runewars in Aalst, it seems I can't come in a store without hauling bags full of old stuff home...

The full result as such of the tournament, with scores in glory added, was as follows:
1. Vincent - The Grymwatch: 3 / 1 with 85 glory
2. Tomsche - Ironsoul's Condemnors: 3 / 1 with 78 glory
3. Nico - Spiteclaw's Swarm: 2 / 2 with 66 glory
4. Peter van den Broeck - Jaws of Itzl: 2 / 2 with 60 glory
5. Wim - The Emberwatch: 2 / 2 with 59 glory 
6. Arnaud - Morgwaeth's Blade-coven: 2 / 2 with 55 glory
7. Peter van den Bossche - Grandfather's Gardeners: 2 / 2 with 50 glory
8. Simon - Borgit's Beastgrabbaz: 0 / 4 with 45 glory
Not to bad for still not getting round to try out and tune a deck on weekdays like before, but now it's time to concoct something for Mines of Alost II in June, where I will be taking Cyreni's Razors to the party, because Idoneth.
Unless the rumoured Chaos Dwarfs appear before that, then any other warband is null and void for the rest of the game for me...

Thanks Johan for organising this, as well as for the additional pictures to put in this little report, and see you all next time for more Underworlds goodness...

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