The latest 8th edition codexI've read front to back, though I must admit this is not one of my armies, but actually Noshi's force in the making.
One always says one picks an army to go with one's character traits... so now you know why I always sleep with one eye open xD
The Drukhari are an ancient and technologically advanced race that feeds on the suffering of others. Their ancestors ruled the stars long before mankind first ventured outward from Terra, and over long millenia the ennui of their vast lifespans led them to ever greater acts of depravity and violence. Now, from the nightmare city of Commaragh nestled in the black heart of the webway, the Drukhari launch their raids on the worlds of realspace, slaughtering to sustain their withered souls and gathering up slaves to take back to their morbid torture chambers...
The Drukhari are not a force for the faint hearted, preferring mobility and alpha strikes over the long war protected by heavy armour and vehicles. They are a force build around various skirmish units, working together in union and striking where they want to. Which also makes them very fragile in protracted fights...
The book is made up as usual with the codexes, starting with the fluff on their genesis and their current state in the changed 40k universe.
Moving onwards, we get to have a look at all the various factions and the cults that make up the Dark Eldar society, before going in the fluff on a unit by unit basis on how they fight and came to be.
Next we have the section of the painted miniatures, though I must say the Games Workshop colourscheme doesn't do the sculpts justive in all honesty. They are painted just too pale for my taste, giving a strangely distorted look to the models.
The army list section is next, following the usual pattern: unit datasheets, then the weapon armoury.
Stratagems, and they include so,e really nasty ones, and traits for both warlords AND your kabals, cults and the likes are then listed up. They have some pretty nasty gear and skills in there, and the fact a Drukhari army gets dirtier with additional, CUMULATIVE skills as turns progress make them a nasty opponent you want to hit as soon as possible.
A very different army from most out there, these guys will require a certain level of skill to manouvre over the tabletop, but you won't be out of the ballpark the moment they do choose to strike with all their might, especcially if they manage to preserve their better units in the first turns and are all fresh and ready to pounce...
From: LeeH & RayR - A combined project round-up (and punch-up)
Ray and I got together yesterday to bring both sides of our Retreat from
Moscow project together in the Rejects Shed-o-War. Laid out on the table we
are mo...
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