The newest entry for this years challenge, in which I'm trying to paint up enough forces to corrupt both the girlfriend and the Nemesis to take the field in games of Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game gaming.
Which is more my goal and focus this year.
To that end, I will be needing painted forces for both sides, and this is a good excuse to paint a bit of everything along the range from Games Workshop.
For this entry, I went for the forces of Mordor, and their basic troops as such as a result. The lowly orc is a poor combatant, but he comes with a lot of his friends to the field.
The entry consists of 15 basic Mordor orcs, armed with a variety of bows, spears and hand weapons.
Supporting them is an old metal Mordor Troll, a fearsome foe in the game, as well as a big, heavy dreadnought sized model,bound to give the heroes of good a rough day as it sweeps through the lines.
All overseen, or driven forth if you might say, by two of the Nine...
So that makes this entry 16 infantry models of 28mm infantry strong, the large troll which I guess yields 10 points, and a 28mm cavalry model, good for 100 points to the tally :-)
Hooptedoodle #476 - Macdonald Road Library (Leith Walk, Edinburgh)
I read recently that the public library in Macdonald Road was 120 years
old last year - I confess that I was rather surprised to learn that it is
still ...
2 uur geleden
Beautiful work!