People often ask me, aren't you tired of always painting and playing pink for your Slaanesh forces?
Well, the answer is both no and yes...
I like my army, ever since it first appeared in White Dwarf mid 90s as a part of their fluff series of articles, all detailing one of the original 18 Legions (as 2 are AWOL), and have been playing it ever since. It was that deep purple and golden colourscheme of the pre-Heresy that attracted me to them, and the fact nearly no-one like painting pink back then. Though I suspect that will change if they get their own codex this edition... let alone if those plastic Noise Marines materialize.
Of course, before that I dabbled in other armies. The first one I ever collected where the Dark Angels, and the Deathwing to be specific. The sons of the Lion back then where not a mainstream chapter, the Imperial Fists held their place as one of the "big four". Later, my very first codex was the Eldar one, I loved the Karandras model... but those armies never really gotten big or played often, as my groups where all into WFB back then still. It's mainly due to 8th that such a large movement into 40k happened at TSA. And those T'au with their anime styled battlesuits always hovered on the edge of my intrests...
But their was that one force in the old Eldar codex that I WOULD collect, had their been dedicated models for it: the Exodites.
Eldar who saw the Fall coming and moved to the maidenworlds, to create a force there best described as an army of Dino-Riders (you know, the old toy line). How awesome was the image of space elves riding guntoting T-rex'es?
Surely, I would JUMP on them should those ever be truly released, with a dedicated codex and model range. Now with the Deepkin in AOS, their image is transplanted a bit to the fantasy setting, but it might also be a good starting point for the designers to get a go at these icons from a game of the past, and with Blackstone bringing back other old favorites of us grognards (the robot, the Ambull) who knows if it might get touched upon in the not so far future?
Let's keep our fingers crossed!
From ByronM - Challenge 15 sign off post
Well, I made it to the end of yet another Painting Challenge, even if I
didn't meet my target points. This year was a lot of fun, and I finally
felt go...
1 uur geleden
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