Okay, it has been a while, but today I'm putting down another Opinion piece, based on things rummaging in my brain.
Now, as always, these thoughts are purely my own, and in no way intended to kick against some shins, but just, well, "gaming feelings" I've put down to the (virtual) paper.
And it came about a discussion in our clubs 40k group about the Beta Bolter rules (see White Dwarf of Febuary 2019) and implementing in the 40k League I'm running.
Now, on the one hand, as the power that is, I could just say "go" and let them be allowed, as about half the players are either pro, or don't really care if they are used or not. I myself played with them at the moment, and I don't think them overpowered in any way. The only units I really see benefiting from the rules are Terminators, both of the Loyalist as of the Heretic variant.
And that is not a bad thing in my opinion, as if there is one unit which really needs some sort of boost this edition, it are the venerable Terminators. This is what usually happens: they teleport in, loosen a round of shooting, HOPEFULLY get into combat... and then see their enemy disengage in their turn and be shot to pieces by small arms fire en masse.
Now, the average Terminator squad these days consists of 5 models: a leader with some sort of combi-weapon, a heavy weapon and 3 boltervariant (wether Stormbolter of Combi-Bolter) troops. Good for, as the 9" is Rapid Fire range, 8 bolter shots + the heavy weapon, often barely enough to kill half a squad of guardsmen taking into account that 1/3 of your shots miss, and 1/3 doesn't wound in "dry" mathematics. Sure, you can have good rolls, but for the same money the rolls will suck and you do zilch with those 8 s4 shots that hit on 3+. But that means on average, you kill 3-4 normal T3 guys, without taking into account any flimsy armour they might have as bolters have no AP.
Not really impressive for 250+ points now is it. With Beta Bolter, it becomes double, but taking everything into account probably will lay waste to 6 to 8 guys anyways... with some luck a single 10 man squad if the heavy co-operates... good for what, 50 points?
Now, sure, for regular Marines the double shots can seriously increase the firepower, IF you have a gunline and nothing to flashy. There are always extreme examples of beneficiaries, like the Hurricane bolters of a Land Raider, but that (very expensive) tank won't be seriously denting opposing armour any time soon with it's little peashooters. Or jinkxing Ravenwing forces, but I still have to encounter that force on the tabletop. On the other hand, all those Marines not moving for the extra shots, aren't going to run around and grab objectives...
But that's my "benefits" of the rules as I see them...
There are also players openly voicing "no" to the implementation of the rule, and that brings us to another sore spot. I can't openly ban Beta Rules in the League, because that would mean our Custodes player can no longer field half his army, and that is not to mention even our Sisters player...
So for now, it's a game per game agreement between players to use them...
But that brings me to the sore point I have noticed in our group... we are getting stagnant, not really trying out stuff, let alone anything outside "fixed points, matched play" rules. Even the annual big battle is ran with 3000 points a player, instead of, say, 250 power level WYSIWIG. or use the Armageddon rules from last year's Chapter Approved in which the planet you fight over gets slowly but surely shot to pieces.
I kind off think this is a pity, because there are al those new rules constantly being thrown our way, yet they never get further usually then "I have read that and think that", but rarely end up being played more then perhaps once. So far, I managed for example to get ONE game in with those 'immaterium' rules also from 2017's CA, where all kind of weird things happen turn by turn on the table, and I play Chaos...
Maybe I should organize a "round table" discussion before I ever (or IF) organise a League for a next edition in 2020 or beyond, and clearly state "this or that" are points on the table, say nay or forever hold your peace...
WW2 - Taking Stock of the Soviets
I've started taking stock of all the Second World War forces I have and
reorganizing them for Bolt Action (Third Edition) - because that's what my
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