A new month, a new look at the new White Dwarf!
And this month, the new rules focuss is laid on Age of Sigmar, as they will rotate between both their main gamesystems on a monthly basis.
Yeah yeah, I know that one day I'll end up with and AoS army after all, but I haven't found anything to my liking yet (though I always can fall back on my Slaaneshi demons if I want to for events or megabattles).
This month's guest editior is Jervis Johnson himself, as they will finally continue their Golgotha game versus Andy Chambers, back for just this, using Kill team, so find out more later about this. And to celebrate this, the magazine also comes with a special Temporal Distort booklet, more on that near the end of this post...
Contact and Readers Models is the first section now in the new style Dwarf
Worlds of Warhammer: Phil Kelly takes a look at naming conventions and ideas for your characters
Echoes from the Warp: a look at the birth and development of Beta rules
Children of the Stars: a truly awesome painted Aeldari Craftworld army
Before the Storm: a 40k short story
Kill Team Weekender: event report on the first Kill team weekend in Warhammer World
Vengeance on Golgotha: the Johnson / Chambers feud continues in this three battles report using Kill team... and history keeps repeating itself.
The Die is Cast: Jervis looks back on the games he enjoyed making the most
Glory Points: in the Warhammer Underworlds section, Mollog's Mob gets an indepth look.
The Mirrored City: a look at the art in Warhammer Nightvault
Blood on the Streets: part 2 of the skirmish rules for Age of Sigmar
The Tomb of the Arcallurgists: a battle report using the skirmish rules
The Realm of Metal: a tour around the realm of Chamon, with it's denizens and history, as well as tips on converting models and making scenery.
The Thirsting Blade: an AoS short story
The Tome Celestial: the new army list and warscrolls for the oldest Sigmarite warriors of this edition, the Hammerhands.
Sigmar's Golden Host: a look at a beautifully painted army of Stormcast Eternals.
Painting Hammers of Sigmar: step by step guide to paint up the golden boys of the Hammerhands
Rules of Engagement: a new scenario for Age of Sigmar
Vassal Knight Houses: a new way to field your knights and titans in Adeptus Titanicus
Warhammer Adventures: taking a look at the newest Black Library project, the children books
Leading from the Front: the Kill team rules for Severina Raine, who will be available at the end of the month during Black Library weekend. And yes, I will get one, to put in my Renegades force...
Inside the Studio: what goes on at the WD studio.
And at the back, there is the preview for the rules coming next month... and we are revisiting the Assassins.
The Temporal Distort booklet: this sall booklet reprints the original Golgotha game between Jervis and Andy from ages of years ago, as we write 1993. And it was played in the now no longer published Epic scale of 6mm models as they took to the field in issue 158.
Featuring not only the game but only a few words on their running feud, it comes with the cover and backart of those days... those orcs look so tiny and cute, just as I remembered them when I... actually bought that issue back then and there.
So the booklet was an absolute memory lane winner for me, but even while being the AoS heavy issue this month, it did have some intresting stuff in there for me as well this time round. yeah, I really should look into that Arena I guess...
Yeah, I'm a relic like Phil, the GW Antwerpen store manager, told me saturday...
From ByronM - Challenge 15 sign off post
Well, I made it to the end of yet another Painting Challenge, even if I
didn't meet my target points. This year was a lot of fun, and I finally
felt go...
3 uur geleden
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