Walls. Ceilings. Now with most of the workmen done in the appartment for the plumbing, we could finally start tackling those things in earnest.
And yes, that means I wasn't doing much even during the two weeks of holidays I had this month...
Never the less, I did manage to get a good amount of work done, in the form of these...
My T`au commander and his accompanying drones got finished this month (at last?), an inbetweener from all the Middle-Earth violence.
For Noshi's force to play with, some more Rivendell warriors have been
readied as well, in the form of a single archer and 5 swordsmen.
Another thing I completed was for the Hammer and Swords 9th Age tournament the club held the last weekend of september: some additional pieces of scenery in the form of CD terrain woodlands and ruins to put on the table. And later into Middle-Earth...
That isn`t however all the scenery I completed, as I finished a sprue of the old Middle-Earth ruins as well this month.
Talking the 9th Age, my general has been completed for the force I decided to start for this game...
So a very modest 20 models where painted up, and it seems there won't be that much following in the coming months...
From TeemuL: Final Thursday Things of Interest
Ok, the AHPC XV is gone. Of course there are some byrocratical issues still
left, some statistics and so on, but the main work is done. It doesn't
6 uur geleden
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