Also known as Zootropolis, Noshi and me sat down on a lazy saturday evening to watch this acclaimed Disney movie.
Because this 2016 film not only was highly praised and raking in the millions, it also won numerous awards... and premiered here in Belgium back in the days.
In an antromorphic world, bunny Judy Hopps wants to become a police officer at all costs, to make the world a better place. Years later she graduates as the first rabbit officer in Zootropolis police force, but while her collegues are put on investigations, she gets parking duties.
She meets a fox swindler called Nick Wylde during her rounds, as he does an icecream scheme, but soon after rolls into the investigation of a missing otter. her search leads her by the mob, and she finds out, together with Nick, that predatory mammals become savage again due to Nighthowlers. Thinking it are wolves, she finds the missing animals locked away by the major and frees them, becoming a hero, but there is no seeming cure.
This leads to the seclusion of predatory animals in the city, and feeling a failure she returns home to sell carrots. Accidentally she discovers however what Nighthowlers really are, and returns to the city to unravel the conspiracy behind the serum that turns animals wild again...
A really good movie, it tackles some strong themes like prejudice and discrimination, and this in part is responsible for the high acclaims.
And it has Idris Elba... and a fantastic Frozen reference he makes that cracked me up totally...
From: LeeH & RayR - A combined project round-up (and punch-up)
Ray and I got together yesterday to bring both sides of our Retreat from
Moscow project together in the Rejects Shed-o-War. Laid out on the table we
are mo...
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