With spaceship games back on the table, due to "Project Far Side", it is also necessary to get some terrain for tables which are in general one big black square.
And what better place to start then with some asteroids
I considered a couple of possibilites for this: 2D templates, foam blocks on stems (like in the old days), printed blocks on stems... in the end I found perhaps the good comprimise on Thingiverse: plastic asteroids on small hexes.
That way, they asteroids are far more stable and less prone to knocking over (and steam breakage as a result), while the 3D aspect just makes it all look that little bit better.
For starting out as such, I printed 15 of them, while planning at least as many again to be able to put down an whole belt if wanted for gaming. The paintjob was pretty straightforward, yet efficient: a Burnt Omber basecoat drybrushed with a warm grey.
And so the first batch of "space terrain" has been completed for the games, starting soonish with a solo-effort.
Hooptedoodle #475 - The Garden Project
Obviously, it is nonsensical to speak of "The Garden Project". Gardens,
like dependant relatives and tax returns, are with you forever; if at some
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