Welcome to another week of hauls, and to be honest, I made most of it for myself.
But have some digital loot as well ;-)
I did buy some STL's this week, for an impressive 4 USD, from Wargaming3D. A seller on there, thenainblanc SHOP is about the only one I found that has ACW 6mm building stl's, so I picked the pack of 4 houses up. At a dollar each a bargain, as I can print a lot of them, and seeing other 6mm houses easily go 2 - 3 GBP it's a small investment compared to those if I want to fill a full table somewhere down the line... 2022 or so, now to find the same sort of things for the Wars of the Sun King and some ancient Dacians...
But I go off target, as I said, most of the haul, as in everything physical this week, has been printed up for Project Far Side. I guess I`ll do a sort of overview this week or the next on what has already been painted up.
The final things are more STL's, from my Dark Realms Patreon support. Which in june is going to go to Umbar, so that will be nice stuff again, Pinyo really does great work!
Well, that's it for this week, see you again next sunday for more loot stuffs!
Hooptedoodle #475 - The Garden Project
Obviously, it is nonsensical to speak of "The Garden Project". Gardens,
like dependant relatives and tax returns, are with you forever; if at some
2 uur geleden
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