So far this series has had very strong stories, and it would be a question if it could hold on to that level.
Well, rest assured, it does in season 6.
Because this is a season that hinges on huge sacrifices and personal choices. It starts out with Keith, working for the blades, learns about his origins and finding his mother again. Reuniting with his old friends, they learn Lotor is actually a genocidial maniac who has played the paladins and the princess for his own goals.
Captured by the paladins, he is howver set free by Shiro, who turns out to be a sleeper agent under Galra control. Keith manages to catch up with him, and learns that the Shiro that was with them is a clone, the original one having died long ago in his battle with Zarkon, yet the Black lion safeguarding his essence.
Now facing Lotor, the team barely defeats him, but must bring a huge sacrifice to preserve the universe from tearing itself apart.
A great story again this season, and the middle, filler episode "Monsters and Mana" provided a good laughing stock episode to break the seriousness of it all excellently.
Onwards to season 7 it is!
Bolt Action: Operation Torch Part 3
*Wednesday, 18 November 1942 *
*After the failed attempt to wrest the oasis and the surrounding heights
from the Vichy on Sunday, November 15, 1942 , the...
28 minuten geleden
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