What a first part of the year...
Starting strong with the AHPC10, life then suddenly got turned upside down with the Corvid-19 pandemic. This caused clublife to drop stone dead, but that made the plans for hosting DnD again come to fruition.
And of course, the birth of my little gemstone, baby Thorin, has been a severe impact on our lives for the better.
But all that meant that the plans, well, didn`t go as planned so far. Add to that the "regiment tiredness" I experience for months now (check this post for more on that) and well, goals have been reached that weren`t a priority, while others will not come to fruition as I can already say now... because, well, no more models bought, or sold off what was done, or no intrest... a variety of things.
So looking at the sidebar, let's overview the status of all the different goals as they currently stand:
Starting as always with the AHPC this year, I succesfully completed that one for the third year in a row... I just might have better focussed on finishing things towards my goals.
On the front of getting all the Crisis figures painted up, I`m going smoothly and with sadly no new model coming this year, because, no Crisis show due to Corona, I`m really going to finish them all.
For the Rohan force, not much progress has been made... yet. But the forces are being assembled and undercoated, and soon the first ones should be hitting the painting desk, so that will start rising exponentially.
The Rivendell force, which Noshi will command, has seen increase and I estimate it will soon be actually at it's target number.
But then we enter disaster area. Of all the three next entries, aka the Tau force, the Chaos Dwarf force and for the moment the 6mm desert force, barely anything has been added anymore, and the first two are on the verge of getting sold, or at least parts of it. This is due to the club being closed, but also for the reasons in the link at the beginning of this post. That are going to be three straight failures, though the italians *might* be going in the first week of a new AHPC in december depending the themes and get some boostings, or benefit from my as told earlier this year switch to godscale for whom I now really pikced up painting pace.
The scenery goal is making good progress, as larger pieces are getting printed up and actually painted, so that shall be a success as well by the end of the year. Especially with the larger pieces from Project Far Side.
The same goes for the Battle Companies. While I won`t be able to finish all 38, as I already said when stating my goals for this year, the numbers are being boosted upwards as more and more companies roll off the finished line.
On the book reading front, I`m about right where I was last year, so that should turn out alright, though the anime watching is down more then planned. This is partly due to Noshi not "feeling like it" the past months, and instead "regular" television series got binged. Nevertheless, I`m only slightly behind schedule around the halfway mark for them.
As a result, that goal was already achieved in the first half of may, even though I had put a low target for it due to not much peeking my intrest when I set my goals. So that one is going to go heavily in the green this year for sure. The movies for that matter won't be much of an issue either, as slowly and steadily they are tallying upwards.
And the final goal... well, I hope in these pandemic days there actually WILL be enough events taking place to get to that score...
So, so far the halfway mark of the goals for this year, looks like some might actually be achievable without any problems, some will cause a bit of managing and focussing... while a few are already virtually dead and buried...
Bolt Action: Operation Torch Part 3
*Wednesday, 18 November 1942 *
*After the failed attempt to wrest the oasis and the surrounding heights
from the Vichy on Sunday, November 15, 1942 , the...
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