"My father's revenge. He built a flaw in the Death Star. He put a fuse in middle of your machine and I've just told the entire galaxy how to light it."
―Jyn Erso and Director Orson Krennic
If you, like me, loved Rogue One, then this is the Commander for you. Available to the Rebel forces, Jyn is a great operative for leading your forces, having some nice tricks up her sleeve.
The model, which like all FFG Legion figures borders towards 35mm in scale, has a super dynamic pose as she swings her Tonfa to smack her enemies across the face.
Coming in the light grey plastic typical of the range, the material and the details lend to a great painting experience without being to fiddly to assemble.
Just take care to attach the head first, and then the flaps of her scarf for the best fitting!
I went for the drakish green vest on her like she wears often in the movies, with a drabcoloured scarf for contrast on her otherwise dark grey clothing, to prevent her from becoming to bland at all.
And now, swinging her tonfa and with her trusty blaster, she is ready to lead my forces in the TSA Star Wars Legion campaign!
From Good to Great
Are you ready to take your miniature wargaming experience to the next
level? In this video, we reveal one simple yet powerful tip that can transform
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She looks great!