Now this is a warband I look forward to painting, if not necessarily to actually play soon.
But I love the look of these models a lot, royal vampires roaming around in Underworlds.
Sure, they have a very annoying Inspire / Uninspire mechanic, and don't seem to be that top-tier (though for Underworlds, I must say that is a VERY unrelevant thing, especially as deck building compensates a lot). Contrary to first glance to their cards, they actually aren't that an aggro band as many believe them to be, but more a jack-of-all trades in my gut-feeling.
Another thing is, they also have effectively THREE sided cards: uninspired, inspired, and then there is the hunger thing. It is best to decide in the beginning which ones to aim for inspiring, and which to starve, as it isn't possible to do both effectively.
Prince Duvalle, the leader and Blood Dragon of the warband, I painted in as such traditional red armour with golden accents. I also did his cloak black to have red and black run through the band to connect them, even though all the models are highly individual. He is one of the vampires I will try to Inspire though, unless faced by high wounds opponents in which case his Bloodthirsted 3 damage is more intresting.
The second model of the warband, the Lahmian Vellas von Faine is a personal favorite model of the game. She really is awesome looking and I went for a redhead, inspired by Castlevania on Netflix. I'll also hunger her as her accurate two damage attack becomes scything, which I personally think might be handier then the ensnare and cleave of her Inspired side.
For the Von Carstein, Gorath the Enforcer, Inspire is always the way to go, as he becomes a large model when hungered out, compared to a better caster and 3 damage hitter as Inspired.
The final member of the warband, Ennais Curse-Born, the hungering side with it's 2 extra move makes it a better bet then the additional accuracy of his Inspired version.
So that makes a lovely bunch of neck-romancers to give a go in the Rivals format soon, and they remain just a set of awesome models as I said in the beginning!
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