A few great items have been added to the collections this weekend, as the mailman came in, but also that most enjoyable of flea market like events... the kid that cleans out his room.
Yeah yeah, the little kid that transfers to the big kid as he lost intrest... it`s the world upside down.
The first item that fell in my mailbox was this near mint condition G1 Targetmaster, Sureshot. Having costed me 35.00 euros, I`m still in doubt wether to keep or trade him tbh...
Digging firther at Vincents, where I got the small StarCom vessels I showed friday, brought up this little thingie for trades: the Mudfighter GI joe plane, with all it`s missiles (but no pilot though). This should be exchangable at some fair left or right.
Now, it`s time for a sad moment. Harry`s Boekenbak, a nearby used bookstore I visited for well over 2 decennia, is closing in two days time as he is going to enjoy his well earned retirement.
I went there with the smurf saturday, to see if there was anything to be found still. He found 4 strip albums of `Samson en Gert`, while I managed to pick up 6 books still, the 13th warrior is in Dutch but the other ones are in english. The final 10 euro note was then given to Harry, take care!
So of to the clean out. The smurf gave me this polybag, as he had 2 copies of it. I gave him a Harry Potter card game for his `sports obsession` he is currently going through, and which I had found at the local used items store past wednesday.
And this odd fella, he had received it from a clean out from my aunt, lost intrest, put it away, and now wants to dump it. It`ll end on some flea market table in june in all probability...
Ironically, he is more of a purist then me. he wanted to toss away this fake KO Lego, I saved it`s fate, some small parts in it (the flame, the hat, the map) are useable in a moc somewhere...
He also had this Bionicle figure still lying in a corner somewhere. I took it apart for the parts, handing him back the connector rods as they are used as wizard wands in other lines, and kept the specific Bionicle parts, they will come in handy sometime somewhere.
Finally, he got another series 12 polybag, but already had this wizard fella. So we exchanged them, and he`ll be getting the Swashbuckler instead for his collection then.
A bit of everything, and a decent way to start closing ` stock up round 1` for March. One more trip to undertake on tuesday, but after that, I`ll be trading around some items hopefully for things I can use myself...
Bolt Action - Saving Squadron Commander Lord Flasheart!
For the second game Orion and I played on Tuesday, we returned to North
Africa and our campaign in Tunisia!
*Friday, 25 December 1942*
*An urgent mess...
8 uur geleden
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