Okay, bit of a massive haul this week due to a collegue, in what I've came to call the Pizza deal
A while ago, one of my collegue's was telling me he used to play Lord of the Rings back in the day., but that is been ages since he touched the figures.
So we talked a bit about it over the past weeks, on and off. Then out of the blue last week, he asked me if I was intrested in his collection which has been stored away for ages now, so naturally I said I was.
He send me some pictures over the weekend, and then past monday he brought it to the office, as the collection changed owners. So after hauling all this back home, it was time to toss it open and have a look at the contents...
There are slightly under 200 figures in the lot, from a variation of factions. The biggest block where the Uruk Hai, together with 4 captains and Lurtz.
Easterlings, Mordor Uruk-Hai, Mordor Orcs and more made up the rest of the evil models, essentially the core was the large Dark Forces army box from the Return of the King era.
For the good guys, it was mostly build around the Minas Tirith battle host set containing soldiers of Gondor, knights, Fountain Guard, rangers...
But there was also a contignent of Dwarves.
On the larger models front, the Moria dragon was included (I'll need to order one front leg somewhere though), a Mumak, the metal Witch King on Fellbeast, Sauron, a metal Mordor troll and an Ent. As well a Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth, both the foot and mounted version.
The lot also contained some left over brushes etc, of which some of it was still okay to use, even if it is just for undercoating or drybrushing.
A couple of books where also inside, most notably the old compilation book of White Dwarf articles, great for scenerio play still.
And the "Eye of Sauron" dice...
So a fantastic lot, thanks again matey for this! Now to restore a heap of them and actually put them into the AHPC as well at the end of the month...
From ByronM - Challenge 15 sign off post
Well, I made it to the end of yet another Painting Challenge, even if I
didn't meet my target points. This year was a lot of fun, and I finally
felt go...
4 uur geleden
Lordy what a haul! Congrats buddy.