The final month of the year, and that means two things...
First off, that I'll be closing off my 2018 painting tallies now, and secondly that the AHPC has started again.
I managed to get one of the 34 "open" spots for that contest, and as the theme is Fellowship this year, and because that coincides with some goals I've set this year, I decided to enter ONLY with Tolkien models.
So when the contest started about two weeks ago on the 21st, everything else went to the side and the Tolkien three month paint-a-thon began, so far resulting already in the following:
For the opening post, to pledge "activeness", I went for Galadriel, as she speaks the very first line of the movie trilogy.
However, that's not all that has been painted during the month, as before the contest I did some oosies and floosies still.
Them being some "essentials" once again, in the form of two mounted Irish heartguard to serve as a noble and a champion in my Dux cavalry. I had a large battle the 7th this month, and they where horsed up just for that purpose.
All in all, that resulted in a nice 3 models for the final month of the year. While this doesn`t look like much, this has to do with a lot of work I`ve been doing the past week for the AHPC, painting colours in really big batches instead of small numbers as I usually do.
The total numbers are in the year oversight, but I can say I was about equal with last year in finished figures, so that's not to shabby in the end considering how my life changed over the past months.
Now to get more Tolkien done as we enter 2019...
WW2 - Taking Stock of the Soviets
I've started taking stock of all the Second World War forces I have and
reorganizing them for Bolt Action (Third Edition) - because that's what my
49 minuten geleden
Looks really great!