And we are off! The 9th challenge, the second one I'm joining, and this year I'm only entering figures from Games Workshop's Middle Earth game due to the theme being Fellowship.
Now, participants are asked to enter something in the first month, and as a modest opener I decided on the character first heared in the Peter Jackson movies, the lady Galadriel.
The mighty queen of the elves, residing in the mystical woodland realm of Lothlorien, she is the bearer of Nenya, one of the three elven rings of power.
The model is her first incarnation that GW brought out over 15 years ago, but the range of metal characters remain beautiful and sublime. I painted her over a grey undercoat for all the lightness of the white robes, drybrushing and layering as we progressed.
So here we have it, the first entry and the first modest 5 points for this challenge year...
From ByronM - Challenge 15 sign off post
Well, I made it to the end of yet another Painting Challenge, even if I
didn't meet my target points. This year was a lot of fun, and I finally
felt go...
2 uur geleden
Really great work!