A new year is upon us, and as a result it's time to set some new goals for the coming 12 months on the hobby front.
Perhaps I should make a goal of not changing them during the course of the year though, but you know, attention span of a goldfish...
I`m going to focus for the coming year on two game systems as the main targets to paint up for, because 2020 will see me moving and that cutting down on hobby time as well, so I want as much as possible ready for both my Emperor's Children and my Middle Earth during the new year.
To that end, the "eternal" list of Emperor's Children will be pushed as close to the 10k points of painted models as possible, as I still have a LOT of them to restore, unless GW keeps screwing up 40k as they are now. Then I'll be selling of the Emperor's Children and get a new gaming pc instead...
On the other hand are the Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game forces, aka Lord of the Rings. I`ve set a goal of painting up at least three armies of them during the year, and hopefully a lot more. The game should see play soonish, including introducing Dolly to it, so you can also expect a lot of battle reports about this over the months, probably with YouTube clips and all.
On that note, I`m also aiming at certainly a 700 points force of Rohirrim, for Armies on Parade but also to enter even a tournament with them, see a bit later in this post!
I`ve once again entered the AHPC as well, which started a fortnight ago as you read this. It`s themed in a Tolkien way this year, right up my alley, and decided to not paint anything else bar Tolkien figures from the 21st of december up until the closure of the challenge. So that might help with the above a lot as well...
On smaller painting projects, I have a couple listed as well. I`m going to really finish my Blood Bowl team this year first of all. Apart from that, those last Crisis models need to be done, and I`m looking at painting all the Burrows and Badgers models I have lying around, as that is a game Dolly and me will be playing frequently at home as well.
And I`m planning on painting all the playing pieces of my LOTR risk, which are about 15mm in size... but that`s no goal per se hence I didn`t stick it in the sidebar.
All while attending at least 5 wargame conventions, events or mega-battles again this year... which is going to be maybe include some tournaments, as I'm planning in participating in one or two of the Flemish Hobbit League, who runs Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game events. My target is the one in Antwerp on the 11th of November.
On the more "generic" front, the targets have been set as well for movies, series, animes and books. Like I stated in the 2018 overview yesterday, the first three have been raised by 5 as I smashed that goal the past year, while the latter dropped down 5 as I just didn`t get around to it the past year...
But that`s it for the coming year, not to immensely an amount of targets to try and obtain, yet with enough variety on the painting front to hopefully prevent burn-outs or "colour boredom" while painting.
Let`s see where we get...
From ByronM - Challenge 15 sign off post
Well, I made it to the end of yet another Painting Challenge, even if I
didn't meet my target points. This year was a lot of fun, and I finally
felt go...
3 uur geleden
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