A yearly tradition, as I look back on the geeky year and give my completely biased, subjective best off results of the past year.
Of course, many will disagree, because this is a list of totally personal taste, but heck, I never said I had mainstream tastes...
So without further ado, here we go for the award ceremony, as the year for this "runs" actually as usual from the 20th of december 2017 until the 20th of december 2018, so any last week additions (like for example, last year`s Rogue One) carries over to the next calendar year...
Best Movie: Ready Player One. Pure nostalgia for my generation, and Gundam! I thought the critics came down far to hard on this film to be honest, probably they where either to old to be from the 80s, or are the new generation of internet YouTube professionals (really, how the heck can those "react to" video blokes earn thousands of dollars, they aren`t even funny) who don`t get half the references.
Best Series: Star Trek Discovery. Really, it was great for a Trek show in this era, and Jason Isaacs put down an awesome captain.
Best Perfomance: a hard one, but in the end I`m going for Peter Capaldi in the first season of The Musketeers. His screen presence is just awesome, I miss him as the Doctor tbh... (I will always remember his Zygoth speech).
Best Book: I didn`t really read an "oh my god" book this year. So the Burrows and Badgers rulebook for his sheer originality, which is fantastically produced.
Best Toy: by default; as I only gotten one toy figure this year, the Chibi Lunamaria for my collection of Lunamaria Hawke's
Best Anime: No Game No Life. I really LOVED this one, and still cry myself to sleep every night for it never getting a second season. Honorable mentions must go to some of Noshi`s "you must see that" picks, as I greatly enjoy My Hero Academia, and liked her favorite anime Miraj Nikki.
Best Game: Splendor. A nice little boardgame that I really enjoy playing. And am apparently quit good at
Best Videogame: I`m going with Final Fantasy online here. I played it a lot until june, then both me and Noshi turned away from it due to time issues. And I never gotten around to give it a go again until two weeks ago as I have so much to paint still. Honourable mention to Pokemon Go, I keep milling those miles to stay in shape (more or less) due to it...
Best Wargame Figure: Lucius the Eternal. It`s a horrible sculpt with subpar rules, yet I picked it for another reason. I was to be the supreme general in the 40k mega battle, and my named character as such the overlord of the Chaos forces. So I played every game from january to the battle with him (and some after) to make it a running up to story.
Best Music: Azim Steppes from Final Fantasy online, it has that epic choir feel that still gives a relaxing mood.
Best Trade: is there any doubt on this? The lot of Chaos Marines I bought from Willie at TSA, 25 euros for 164 chaos marines, of which I couldn`t use 3 (the Iron Warriors warsmith and 2 sorcerers), whom I then sold for... 25 euros. That meant I had 161 marines for free, of a lot which would otherwise have cost me 0.13 cents a figure...
Best Convention: Made in Asia 2018, the first geeky convention I attended together with Noshi, and which gave me this most awesome memorabilia...
Greatest Disappointment: The Last Jedi. Really, to much Star Wars, it's killing the franchise...
And that is it, the best of awards from the year 2018. I hope you can live with my selection, and feel free to comment if you do or don`t!
Give 'em A Bloody Nose!
Peter (*Grid based wargaming*) and I joined up on Wednesday (Thursday for
Peter in New Zealand) to exercise the latest iteration of my WotR rules.
The r...
22 minuten geleden
Merry Xmas to you.