The second part of the Dol Guldur theme, the fourth issue of this excellent fanzine is deserving of a better insight look.
So with the theme running on, this also means of course we will see how the previous issue's excellent table was made... and find out the consequences of last issue's battle report.
The magazine starts with SBG Towers, a snippet page of things going on around the magazine.
And then we get a scenario for a fun mini game, including a battle report. In The Hunt for Thrain, Gandalf has to move through the labyrinthian corridors of Dol Guldur in an effort to unravel it's secrets.
The Dr's Corner in this issue tackles the strange fact on why wargamers are still considered an odd niche crowd, while the best watched series at that moment (Game of Thrones) is a pure fantasy based series, or how Lord of the Rings is present and accepted in other media but when playing with little figures it's considered strange.
The Tactica article of this issue takes a look at the three Istari, and how their skills best fit certain armies or roles.
Ruling Dol Guldur is a whole set of fresh and dangerous additional rules for use when you battle over the fallen ruins of the tower. Be prepared to encounter a lot of nastiness!
The second (and actually, main) Battle Report of this issue returns us to Dol Guldur, where the Elves of Mirkwood are assaulting the Necromancer. This ties in with last months battle report nicely, as the objectives are to free the captured members of the White Council.
In The Garrison of Dol Guldur we get an alternative, unofficial army list to field the defenders of the grim place, great for playing scenarios in the setting.
Building Middle-Earth: Dol Guldur is a truly massive look at how all the various parts of the impressive gaming table have been made. Lot's of great inspiration and top tips are to be picked up from it!
In the Hobby Corner, the Spawn of Ungoliath (aka, great spiders) are taken a look at on how they can be converted into more dynamic poses to bring variation to your forces, as well as how to build those base fitting Dol Guldur cages.
Next up, and one that I will be trying soon to finally learn to paint NMM, is an article on how the Nazgul from last issue have been painted up.
The final article of this issue is a look at how the wounded Gandalf token had been created, and what had been sculpted on the model for that purpose...
And there we have it, the conclusion of the journey into Dol Guldur, spread over two issues of the magazine. This edition featured a lot of helpfull articles for myself and things to try out as such in the not so far future!
From FrederickC - Star Wars characters and a Circle of Hell [Heresy] (35
For this submission I present two possible takes on the theme of Heresy.
Rather than risk having a special theme claim denied, I decided to fly my
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