Okay, so that "year" in the title might be an exaggeration, because cleaning up our old and used terrain and the likes, well, doesn't happen frequently.
But the weekend of the 1st of june, we did it big time.
A handfull of volunteers gathered at an unearthly hour, together with a container to toss the trash in, and set out to look at all the old stuff we have lying around. Terrain that was to badly damaged would be tossed away, that what needed minor touch ups could be taken home for repairs by intrested members, or would go out as well.
So 30 degrees outside, and the brave few made the tactical decisions and deployed their cleany hands (hey, it might not be one, but it has to sound like a wargame after all).
The main target me and Jo had set for our part was the small chatting room and the large storage scenery room, both prime examples of men "orderly stocking" things until no one could pass anymore. Gandalf would havebeen proud of what we made of it over the years.
The club boardmeeting room also was tackled and ordened, and a lot of old stuff thrown out over the course of the day.
And with a lot, we do mean, a lot...
But the result is something to be proud off. Most terrain is now either in large plastic boxes underneath the bigger gaming tables, or ordened on the shelves of the storage room.
But in the end, we can be proud on what we achieved, though we where a bit knackered (by this time, we already had burried Eddy under the soccerfield outside, collapsed from total exhaustion)...
From FrederickC - Star Wars characters and a Circle of Hell [Heresy] (35
For this submission I present two possible takes on the theme of Heresy.
Rather than risk having a special theme claim denied, I decided to fly my
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