After exploring the Path of Imaginaton for the largest part, is is time to once again make use of the Lady Sarah and her lovely Balloon.
And this time, I am paying the fare to fly me to Sander's Sand Dunes, starting point of the Path of History.
For the toll, I painted up this viking lady that I still had lying around for a Dux "civilian hanger-on". Except that the Dux campaign already ended last june and the model still was lying on the Lead Mountain.
The model was produced by Wargames Foundry in their Viking range, and looked like something suitable for this AHPC... as she can still make appearances on my Rohan set games!
And as to that, she yields 5 points for the tally, as a single 28mm figure.
From Barks: Multiple Circles of Hell (Violence, Fraud, Treachery) (135
I've had the lurgi and have had a bit of travelling, but have managed to
knock off a few circles of Hell.
First, Violence. But I have not portrayed the s...
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