So it`s the first of november today, meaning the final two months of the year are upon us.
And what a year it has been for me, both with big changes in the private (professional) life, and the hobby life.
I guess the goal list in the sidebar reflects this, as did the previous article about this that I posted at the year`s halfway mark (more or less) in june. So I did indeed focus in the past months, and been clearing out some stuff. Okay, so Tolkien came back to play recently, but in a way that was a welcome change.
I feared I was getting a bit "pinked out" by the speed I started crawling for my Marines, so variety makes the palette.
Taking a look at all the goals I set for this year at that mark, I did move the Emperor's Children "subfactions" to the eternal list where the ACW used to be. I won`t be finishing the set mark ups just yet, as I didn`t go on the shopping spree just yet to grab all the wanted models and units. What won`t stop me from adding some stuff to it though still.
That, and I have been painting a lot of scenery (relatively for my doing) the last months with the Burrows and Badgers demogame.
The other two still open painting targets won`t be reached this year I guess, nor the Blood Bowl team, nor finish all the Crisis limited edition models, though I keep doing those last ones if I have "holes" in my painting line up. Facts is, next month Noshi starts a new career and this might ruffle up a little in the painting time planning.
The final goal still open is harder, the read 25 books. I made some "bad picks" this year which didn`t read smooth at all and caused me to read at a disasterous slow rate, but I still might finish the stack I have lying around though... barely. That will be a close one.
So all in all, there are some hard targets still to reach, and I`ve already been thinking about those for the next year and what I want to get done. But for now, let`s keep clearing that painting desk (which I just keep filling up at a higher rate then what I finish x-D).
From RichardM - The Sudan and a few others from AHPC XV
As I have said previously, a huge thank you to Curt and Sarah for the
Challenge, our small group who meet for a paint and chat on Tuesdays,
Millsy as our m...
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