So, only half a month for september, as between another very busy spell at work and a two week holiday on Mallorca, I only had three decent painting sessions.
But never the less, things have gotten done...
Because the 29th, we had to present the Burrows and Badgers skirmish game at the TSA opendoor day, Battling Through the Ages, and most of the painting time as a result went to that, both for figures and scenery.
On a figure front, sir Nutsalot was completed, a gloriously armoured squirrel knight wielding his fearsome halberd.
Also joining the fray is the Mouse Shieldmaiden, who will afterwards become part of Noshi's warband.
Both band leaders for the game where also finished, in the form of the Marmot Mercenary for my group, and the Siamese Seeress for Noshi.
Cornelus the Crow is one of the additional soft plastic figures I have lying around to fill the table with npc civilians.
Noshi did her part as well, as both the bridge and the grub hut have been completed for the demotable.
In the meantime, scenery wise, the board itself, which if flipped over will serve as a display board for my Emperor's Children, also was finished this month.
When all that initial Burrows and Badgers "violence" had been finished, it was time to turn my attetion back to my loyal Slaanesh followers. While not a true unit in their own right, I did complete the last two objective markers to go along my Slaanesh forces.
But the first unit as such to be painted drom 40k is a Guard squad for my force, to provide myself access to a lot more varied armoured support.
So in the end of this very short month of limited paint time, 20 models and scenery pieces have gotten finished.
Not to bad at all if you ask me all things considered...
Hooptedoodle #475 - The Garden Project
Obviously, it is nonsensical to speak of "The Garden Project". Gardens,
like dependant relatives and tax returns, are with you forever; if at some
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