The most famous and beloved novel by a nobel-prize winner...
Well, that is some heavy expectations for a book then, isn`t it, so after pauing 20 cents for it, I dug in...
Wang Lung, rising from humble Chinese farmer to wealthy landowner, gloried in the soil he worked. He held it above his family, even above his gods. But soon, between Wang Lung and the kindly soil that sustained him, came flood and drought, pestilence and revolution.
Through this one Chinese peasant and his children, Noble Prize winner Pearl S. Buck traces the whole cycle of life, its terrors, its passions, its persistent ambitions and its rewards. her brilliant novel - beloved by millions of readers throughout the world - is a universal tale of the destiny of men.
What I liked about it
* the book gives a good insight into the life of a farmer in China, considering it was originally written back in 1931.
What I didn`t like about it
* I haven`t gotten my hands on the second and third part of the trilogy yet...
Bolt Action: Operation Torch Part 3
*Wednesday, 18 November 1942 *
*After the failed attempt to wrest the oasis and the surrounding heights
from the Vichy on Sunday, November 15, 1942 , the...
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