After giving the game a few go's with the Eternals, me and Noshi switched sides for our second game at the club last friday.
So now I took command of the rabble of Garrek's Reavers, and Noshi took the armoured troops of Sigmar.
I deployed rather deep to close the gap as soon as possible, while Noshi gathered in a corner of her board, denying a lot of the playing field in turn 1.
My first warrior charged Brightshield... and that didn`t went that well at all.
However, a second charge and some good rolls took the mighty warrior down. Having played the band before, he was the one I feared most, as he can get some seriously nasty upgrades and a dirty Inspired reaction skill.
The bands gather close to each other, and duke it out, as warrior after warrior falls in melee.
Hunting her last warrior, my reaver gets beaten to a pulp by the mighty warhammer... and this leads to a very odd situation.
Both our final models have charged, and can do nothing anymore with 3 activations left each. On the scorebord it is now 3 - 3 in points, so we had to draw cards with our final activation in the hope of switching out objectives for one that scores.
I won this not so exciting to see, but tensionous draw battle, as I obtained two scoring cards of 2 points each, bringing it to 7 - 3 in the end... though Noshi could claim moral victory.
Next game, we will be playing it "full", including the deckbuilding part of the game instead of the preconstructed ones we used these three past games, so stay tuned.
Hooptedoodle #475 - The Garden Project
Obviously, it is nonsensical to speak of "The Garden Project". Gardens,
like dependant relatives and tax returns, are with you forever; if at some
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