Okay, it's decided.
After pondering on the idea for some time now, I have decided that in 2019 I will be returning to playing wargame tournaments.
At first, I was tinkering with the idea of doing it in 40k, the game I've been playing the most at TSA the past 1.5 years. But reading and watching on Nova "horror stories", in which I mean the very heavy min / max'ing that this edition seems to cause, I decided against that in the end. The same goes for the fact I don't want to / are able to to invest a heap of time in studying every tactic and unit of every book like in the old days. My Emperor's Children would be a ping pong ball in an extreme bowling alley as a result.
While attending Crisis this year however, I learned about the existance of the Flemish Hobbit League, and their tournaments. While I returned to MESBG anyways, and looked into the system that I loved ever since 2001 again, I made the decision. They run about 5 to 6 tournaments a year, and of those 1 is around the corner, and one rather close by with the train anyways, so that is where my pick went out to.
Surely, I don't have to learn that many forces, as all are going to be in just two books (armies for Lord of the Rings in one book, and for The Hobbit in the other). That makes not only the study part, but also the carry along part a lot more atractive.
Seeemingly these days, you don't need a force for either side anymore aswell. In the old days, you went to events carrying both a good and an evil force, but for the FHL events, one force of seemingly 700 points is enough. So enter my beloved Rohirrim!
While never truly the best force in the MESBG's previous incarnations, I always adored the mighty Horse Lords, and that makes it no more then normal to take them as an army, even though I'll be painting "double" for them. Because if they kill your horse, you must run along on foot, and I'm going to opt to exchange the figures instead of putting down tokens. I have heaps of warriors anyways to go alongside my Riders. Oh, and apparantly you have to provide 3 objective markers, but I have enough historical bits to knock together the three required 25mm round bases of stuff for that anyways...
My "target tournament" is still quite a way off, as the one in Antwerp traditionally takes place on the 11th of november in Outpost Antwerp, organised by The Puppeteers wargame club. So that is the one the force MUST be ready for next year, but if I finish them sooner, I might jump on the bandwagon that bit earlier.
Now to draft Noshi to become my testing partner of refreshing the game :-)
WW2 - Taking Stock of the Soviets
I've started taking stock of all the Second World War forces I have and
reorganizing them for Bolt Action (Third Edition) - because that's what my
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