Beware guardians of Rivendell, a band of Mordor has been spotted on your borders, sneakingly making their way to the Last Homely House to cause mayhem...
She has her elves, at last. So that meant Noshi and me would face off in Battle Companies again, me taking the command of the forces of Mordor this evening.
We actually managed to put two games in, so expect the second battle report to come in a few days... and believe me, it's a recordbreaking one for me...
So past friday at TSA, we took a table and set it up for a game. Force wise, I have the standard Mordor list as per the book, but for the Elves we had to do some modifications. I took Gil-Galad as a spear elf, as I don't have the warriors with shield and spear, but as suc she also had one of those instead of the starting two. Enter Elrond, who became a regular sword armed warrior, but as he was a sergeant as well, it was easier to keep him apart from his fellow swordsmen.
The scenario we rolled was Seize Ground, and the objectives scattered around the board as both forces deployed. We knew it would all turn out to a big slum in the centre, but I hoped to overwhelm the elves there with my numbers, resulting in her hopefully breaking off from her objectives.
Elrond and the Archer advanced forward, and those two would become a real nuissance during the game as you'll find out...
My orc horde moved forward to park on the objective as soon as possible and hopefully withstand the golden armoured ninja's.
An arrow whistled through the trees... and down went the first orc... even after this sergeant tried saving his life with a Fate point.
Combat is joined at the edge of the clearing near the central objective, and the forces of Mordor actually took down one of the Elves. But Elrond comes to help Gil-Galad (again, it's respectively just a sergeant and her lieutenant leader, but it sounds cooler that way), and my Orc Lieutenant bites the dust.
The archer would keep being a nuissance, as another long range shot takes down a spearorc trying to sneak to the objective and the back of the elves fighting around it...
Elven fighting skills now really start to kick in, and Orcs fall left and right, putting me over my break point.
Miraculously though, both past their courage test and hold the two objectives on my side, while the others are locked in combat. However, the might of the Elves failed for once and the orc wasn't taken out by Gil-Galad. Unfortunatly, the game ended as Noshi rolled a 2, and we both held 2 objectives, resulting in a draw...
Okay, that didn't go well, the high F value of the Elves makes a better defence then any armour, as I could rarely beat them in the duels. Add to that some seriously fine dicing by Noshi, as every won figh almost caused a kill (except perhaps the one she needed to claim victory) and my Mordor force quickly dwindled.
Well, at least I didn't loose to her for once...
WW2 - Taking Stock of the Soviets
I've started taking stock of all the Second World War forces I have and
reorganizing them for Bolt Action (Third Edition) - because that's what my
4 uur geleden
Fun game. Love your terrain builds. I'm going to try and use some your ideas.