Welcome to the report which will in all probability feature some of my last non Middle Earth purchases for a while.
Or anything not MESBG for that matter...
But first, let`s start with this AWESOME model from Bears Head Miniatures, which I found through Facebook: their Scholary professor, aka Professor Tolkien himself. He will make such a fantastic centerpiece for the painted forces cabinet.
Another arrival came through eBay, one that I have been searching for for months: the front leg of my Moria Dragon, so now I can completely assemble the model (the missing horn can be easily converted, so that never was a must find).
Also from eBay came the parcel I told you about that I would half be selling off due to the rearangements in the hobby, as the Eldar will be going again. But the two battlesuits should be all I need to get my force up and running now once they are all painted.
The Easter weekend is also traditionally the unofficial kick off of fleamarket season, and on Easter monday we went to a big one here in Antwerp. I scored the 6 DVD's of Prison Break for 0.25 cents a disc... not to watch the series but to use the discs as bases for my forests and other scenery. The three plastic animals will get repainted for a Lord of the Rings demogame me and Noshi will be bringing to Battling Through the Ages, the TSA opendoor in September. What they will represent? Wait and see in a few months!
For that same gamesystem, my order of Renedra also came in. Dirt cheap at 8 pounds per pack of two, these outhouses are great for littering the battlefields of Middle Earth.
The final additions to the collections is some work from my 3D printer, with a whole lot of Chaos suited 6mm models for Future War Commander.
Bit of a varied cookie as such this week.
From ByronM - Challenge 15 sign off post
Well, I made it to the end of yet another Painting Challenge, even if I
didn't meet my target points. This year was a lot of fun, and I finally
felt go...
9 minuten geleden
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