Amongst all the Middle-Earth and 6mm violence planned for 2020, another project I want to complete is getting (at last) into the 9th Age.
Now as my "big army" general has already been painted up, the initial plan to learn the rules is to build the force of the "Quick Start" rules as the core of the army.
From there on onwards, I can then start to expand the whole army to build something to my tastes (read: cannons), so I went to look at the download section and see what exactly I could incorporate into the army / need to buy / need to paint.
On a character level, I will need a Marshal and a Wizard. Both I can cover with the Bushido characters I already have lying around, so that is just a painting job.
On a basic troop level, I will need both a regiment of 20 heavy infantry, which I`ll be buying from Titan Forge, and a regiment of 10 handgunners, which are already lying around here somewhere in the packed up movement boxes.
A bit of a more "heavier" investment will be the Knightly order regiment, as those aren`t cheap from Titan Forge, but I`ll get them hopefully soonishly, maybe even at Crisis already if the clean up sale on the bring and buy goes smoothly.
And that is it, nothing else is needed to build this small force and learn the ropes of the game, so investment wise in money that will be arranged rather swiftly.
And then to get it all painted up...
From GeoffT: A mixed bag (55 points)
Hello Challengers,
This week I have a mixed bag of miniatures. 11 x 28mm foot.
Three pulp figures, looks like gangsters. One has a pig under his arm fo...
8 uur geleden
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