The first campaign book released for the current edition of Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game by Games Workshop, this details the epic siege of the White City, and the events on the fields of Pellenor in front of it.
Containing not only new models and a trainload of scenarios, the book also introduces the Legendary Legions, a whole new set of army lists for the forces in Middle-Earth.
It is produced as the other Games Workshop MESBG publications, with gorgeous painted model scenes alternated with movie stills from the trilogy, bringing the book really to life within it's 128 pages.
After the brief Introduction, we get the History of Gondor section of the book, telling how Minas Tirith came into being after the fall of the old kingdoms founded by Elendil.
Then the book moves to it's largest portion, the Scenarios section. Over the course of 29 scenarios, most to be played on 4' by 4' tables, the events of the siege can be recreated, from the first assaults on Osgiliath over the Ride of the Rohirrim and the attack on the Black Gate of Mordor. But it also features some fun 'mini game' style scenarios like That Only Counts as One, where Gimli and Legolas battle around the Mumak.
We then get a chart that details the sequence of the scenarios in case you want to play the full campaign, something I'm definitly planning to do with Noshi sometime in the not so nearby future.
In the Armies section, we get to look at the various forces that where present at the battle, including the new (Forge World) released models that get their rules in this volume as well.
After those, 8 Legendary Legions are represented, of which The Return of The King has perhaps seen the most use these days if you look over the internet and tournaments. That's the list of Aragorn and the Dead arriving at the docks...
The book ends with a Miniature Showcase, displaying some gorgeous eyecandy for us players to glaze over...
A great looking volume, and a really intresting campaign for people with large and varied collections for sure. I have most of the needed models myself, but now I still need to paint them of course...
For Gondor!
From GeoffT: A mixed bag (55 points)
Hello Challengers,
This week I have a mixed bag of miniatures. 11 x 28mm foot.
Three pulp figures, looks like gangsters. One has a pig under his arm fo...
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