This is it. the ULTIMATE bad taste B-movie of it's time. A movie so bad, it even got itself banned in Germany, Australia and Norway.
And the sad fact, it was actually based on real life events...
Ilsa is a commander in a german camp, conducting all kinds of horrific medical experiments on various women. And the fact she also has a huge apetite for men, doesn't help in making the wole movie less controversial.
But when an american soldier resists her voracious lust, he hopes the allies will soon arrive and free them all. But the germans want to avoid any notion of their project being leaked out...
A fun fact for the movie, is that it was filmed in the closing days of Hogan's Heroes, so yes, that is the set of that which features here as the camp. And the burning down helped that way in clearing out the set itself...
The movie is one of those typical crap movies, so bad you actually keep watching it... if only for it's cult status. Considered raunchy in it's time (though no less nude is shown then in your average Emanuelle movie) this is one of those flicks you just have to watch if you enjoy these sorts of vehicles of bad taste.
Aaah, cult phenomena...
From GeoffT: A mixed bag (55 points)
Hello Challengers,
This week I have a mixed bag of miniatures. 11 x 28mm foot.
Three pulp figures, looks like gangsters. One has a pig under his arm fo...
58 minuten geleden
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