Okay, so we are all settled in, we have made selections in which armies could move along and which ones went to new owners... and now we have a heap of additional free time (at least until the little hobbit arrives) and a private schedule that is totally overhauled.
I realize I won't be able to get to the club anymore every friday, even though my presence was already slaughtered during the whole renovations and pregnancy cycle... but I need my geek out moment so it's time to go on that occassional draft again.
This will be by participating in MTG game events on low scale left and right, in the beginning by doing drafts and perhaps in the far future playing some standard again, as I'll be rebuilding one of my "25 dollar mono-red deck" decks again to do just that. No thinking required, just boom boom boom and win or lose in 15 minutes games. It worked in the past...
I'll also be dabbling my toes a bit in other "sanctioned" cardgames along the road, but all of them will be without any ambition bar trying to get rid off the non used cards along the way, to prevent it all stacking up skyhigh once again as it used to.
It's also something very space efficient to be honest...
From GeoffT: A mixed bag (55 points)
Hello Challengers,
This week I have a mixed bag of miniatures. 11 x 28mm foot.
Three pulp figures, looks like gangsters. One has a pig under his arm fo...
8 uur geleden
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