Dolly and me went to the Sinksenfoor this week, a large, month long carnival here in Antwerp.
And of course, hunting for stuffed anumals is part of the game...
While initially I caught her a smaller Stitich and a Pikachu for myself, we also gathered enough points to trade them in together with the two beasties to get a big Stitch for her, which I duly did.
Okay, and with the left over points, I snatched myself a Pokemon TCG booster, who knows what rare might be in there (it was a Tyranitar GX and an uncommon foil Nufleaf btw).
To round it out on the carnival, with the game of string pulling I won a selfie stick, which will be a welcome tool for battle reports and game pictures...
The final haul is a small parcel that came from my regular ebay dealer, containing the 3 remaining arnor warriors for my battle company, a mahud blowpipe and 2 castellans of Dol Guldur.
So that was a great heap of fun this week to obtain the items!
WW2 - Taking Stock of the Soviets
I've started taking stock of all the Second World War forces I have and
reorganizing them for Bolt Action (Third Edition) - because that's what my
9 uur geleden
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