I can`t make a detailed report of the step by steps of the match, as my camera did funny things and as such had to resort to my cellphone for pictures. Unfortunatly, it`s quite easy to shake to hard with those thingies, so a lot of pictures went awry, but I can tell you some highlights and incredibly stupid mistakes I made. I call my sickness to my defense, resulting fogginess in brainpan and such things teeheehee.
So I faced a Chaos Warrior team... I hate those buggers, as with 3 Warriors and a huge cow he outpowers me, and his team is over the whole line as well armoured, if not a tat better, then me.

But I had BoB! BoB is the 4th Hobgoblin in my team, filling up the ranks with Huey, Duey and Louey. BoB is going to be the most hyped player in the campaign I promise you, because in BoB we trust. And believe me, BoB already carved a reputation for himself yesterday, as did the other Hobgobs...
Namely each time a Beastmen was through and rushing the end zone, I managed with the necessary going for its and the likes to throw a blitz with an Hobgoblin... which always ended in an attacker down, and followed by an injury.

So I went in half time looking to a 1-0 behind against the silver spirits (hence named because they ain`t painted, booooo hissss) but with a dastardly and likely plan.
After set up, the ball was in front of one of the Hobgobs, who would pick it up to bring it to a Bull Centaur, hand it over and the armoured bull would rush off with the ball. It all went smoothly, the hole was punched, the bull centaur stood ready to take off with the ball after the hobgoblin gave it to him... and then I saw I had forgotten one little step...

So through raced a Beastman, and even though some Hobgoblins tried to stop it... twice, the 2-0 came on the field.

Luckily I managed to do some damage as half the Chaos team stayed KO`ed, and we both missed 4 players at that point, but I started with a man up advantage. Knowing in the short turns I never could make 2 goals, let alone 3 to grab a win, i decided on putting them out of action and do what I love most... foul.
First a Hobgoblin kidneypunched a downed warrior of the pitch, and later when Moo was down a Dawi warrior tried the same, but he was spotted and as a result send off by the referee. Sissy whistling pancy.
As lack of players did start to tell, a whole formed on the right flank and my bull centaurs filtered through. The only issue was that I had to rely on a dwarf picking up the ball (he did two turns over that) then giving a short pass (which he failed), a bull centaur picking up the scattered away ball (barely) and Sprint for the end zone (the third roll balanced on a 1 but fell on a 5) to save my honour.

2-1 and only one turn of play for the Chaos team left.
So we set up again, and I kicked, rolled for scatter with the d8 and rolled a... 9!!!! I was apparently scattering the whole game already with a d10 instead of a d8, and we noticed that in the 31st of 32 turns... strong going!

So what did we learn? Chaos hits hard. We knew that, but sometimes a reminder is all you need (but not necessarily want), but they are quite agile as well still. I`m going to have a long and hard thinking session on the how and about of actually winning a game with my team, as the ball handling part ain`t their biggest forte. Or we just keep kicking the living shit out of everything that`s down of course...
In the end I don`t have to look for excuses, I lost fair and square. Sure, I could have made 1 - 1 instead of 2 - 0, but I doubt I would be able to hold the line then for 4 - 5 more turns to prevent them from not scoring that second goal and making the result just the same.
He counted one serious injury and one badly injured goat by the end of the game and one warrior still ko`d, while I had a dead (and stay dead even after an apothecary use...) dwarf, a badly hurt dwarf and hobgoblin (BoB!) and a seriously injured hobgoblin. And the first send off player in another dwarf...

I`ll get my revenge, but I know he`s going to play the League with Undead... so I just need to find a bloody way of getting those mummies down...
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