Crossbowmen are in my view some of the most handy missile troops the E,pire has to offer, the extra range gives you on average one turn more of pouring missile fire into the enemy, and even though handguns might be better against knights and the likes, that isn`t what I use my ranged troops for. I got cannons to do that job...
Painted in the livery of Altdorf to be part of the Heroes retinue I painted a few weeks ago, next on the list to ressurect for this force is a unit of classic Greatswords, whom of course have to just be painted up in the colours of Carroburg. After that, it`ll probably be a regiment of spearmen in Wissenland colours, then we`ll see where to go from there.
Though a Militia unit in the Sylvanian colours seems like a nice sideregiment as well hehehe...
Great painted figures! Very nice colors.