Right, saturday morning as I write this, and the last weekend before I leave on holidays... so it all has to be done now.
Because once I return from Mallorca, I have 0 moments of painting left, so to that end all the figures and the side material need to be done before monday midnight... ah I love deadlines.
To that end, I have been painting the final two models all day now, and they are now drying in the varnish, ready to be flocked afterwards, go me.
But let me first thank Michael Lovejoy, the creator or the game and owner of Oathsworn Miniatures. A few weeks ago, I messaged him through Facebook to explain our Open day, and that Noshi and me would be domo'ing the game for the masses. So I asked him if he had some business cards I could hand out to intrested persons.
Yesterday, I received a big box which apart from a figure order I placed (in the end, I want to collect the full range) did indeed include business cards. But that was not all, it also included a stack of hand out figures for the game, and I got a good idea on how I`ll be doing that... participants will get a Shrewzerker, but they will have to pose with the figure in hand for the picture as well!!!
Many, many thanks again to Michael for so actively supporting our initiative, both from me and Noshi as "fans" as from my position as board member of TSA.
The scenery was done as well last week, and the last pieces are waiting to be uploaded on the blog, so we are covered on that part. I`ll show off the complete hamlet soon in a seperate post, once I can place all the models on the board as such.
Noshi also created some fantastic playsheets and a revised scenario card. It`s the Gromley scenario, but with the stats adjusted for smaller games, as bands will only be three models each, and of course the little burglar is replaced by an electric rodent for the appeal of the game... after all, we don`t have series like the Brian Jacques books here, so I need to appeal to children (old and young) with some cute animal they DO know...
And as such, the whole thing is ready for action now, check back after the 29th to see how it all went, but in between you might get a battle report AND video on the first game as we try out the rules this week.
Hooptedoodle #475 - The Garden Project
Obviously, it is nonsensical to speak of "The Garden Project". Gardens,
like dependant relatives and tax returns, are with you forever; if at some
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