The third of the soft plastic figures finsihed, this is the newest resident for the hamlet we`re building for Burrows and Badgers.
Though paintwise, this was a bit of a boring model, being an all black bird...
The model did have it's small scarf and the huge yellow hat to contrast a bit, but generally speaking this wasn`t the most exciting one of the figures to paint up. Never the less, this now puts us at 3 finished for the demo, so the village will be inhabited at least.
I`ll see if I have the spare time to do one or two more before the end of september...
From SteveA: Trench Crusade Hell Knights (21 points)
Fresh from the Trenches of the Crusade and the Court Of the Seven Headed
Serpent I bring you HELL KNIGHTS!
I had a painting plan.... I had mapped out wh...
1 uur geleden
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