While it was a short visit for me personally, as I needed to hand over a usb stick to the club president, there where quite a few games in swing tonight.
And once again, a lot of them where 40k, as the game keeps booming and attracting more intrestees to our venerable grounds.
Space Wolves have a codex now, and as a result two battles featured the sons of Russ on the table. In the first one, they took the offensive against the Tau Empire, while on the second table they faced the guns of the Imperial Guard.
A third batte saw the marines of the Raven Guard take the field against those of the Salamanders chapter.
The Heroquest rpg was being played as well this week.
Two fantasy armies took a stand against each other in a game of 9thAge as demon legions invaded the elvish lands.
The Scythe boardgame was put through it's paces at Arno's table.
North and South clashed, this time in the scale of 15mm.
The final game was Spearhead, the modern variant in 6mm scale.
And that was it for myself for a few weeks, as I`ll be leaving on holdiays near the end of the week.
But once we are back, I`ll be bringing you more pictures of what is going on in our lovely club, TSA.
Hooptedoodle #475 - The Garden Project
Obviously, it is nonsensical to speak of "The Garden Project". Gardens,
like dependant relatives and tax returns, are with you forever; if at some
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