Airing on the official Gundam Info channel, the prologue of the newest series of Gundam that is upon us is now able for viewing.
So let's see what this series is all about!
Of course, this is a prologue, and as such sets the scene and the feel for the upcoming series. On the asteroid construction site of Folkvangr, the Gundam Lfrith is undergoing it's testing trials, but doesn`t meet the expectations of the council yet. It's test pilot, Elnora Samaya, is growing impatient as her daughter Ericht (Eri for short) celebrates her fourth birthday.
On her fourth birthday, her granny takes her into the cockpit, and as the council holds a press conference, freezing all development of Gundam type mobile suits. A raid is mounted on the construction site, killing it's inhabitants. Her father sorties in a mobile suit together with another test pilot, holding back the enemy mobile suits until they unleash their advanced suit themselves.
Elnora launches the Lfrith with Eri along her, as it seems Eri manages to awaken the suit by her biosignatures. She controls the vessel unknowing how powerful she actually is, fending off the enemies. Her father sacrifices himself for them to escape, while the council decrees a law fobidding all Gundams.
The art was really okay in this prologue, and it looks like it will be an enjoyable series for sure.
Now to wait until october!
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