zaterdag 18 februari 2023

Super Mecha Champions Arthur (mini-kit)

 So, with Caramel now finished bar basing, it is time to start building the second of the kits of the Super Mecha Series.

And that is Rom's knightly mecha, Arthur.
Containing three runners of parts, a sticker sheet and the instructions on the inside of the cardboard packing just like with Caramel.

So we start with first building the central torso.  Normally, a sticker goes on the faceplate, but as I don`t like stickers at all, that will be painted afterwards.

As the two arms are then build, I opted for the version with the drawn sword instead of a closed hand, when the sword would then be mounted on the back of the model.  The other arm incorporates the transparent cloak, which will be fun to paint around afterwards *not*.

Next on the assembly are the legs for the mecha.  As I glue some of my parts (joints tend to loosen over the years), I first tried out some poses before deciding where to add some glue, and the position he will be placed in at the end when all is pieced together.

Now, with the body and all limbs ready, it is time to assemble him onto a base.

This makes him now ready to get painted.  A predominantly white mecha, that means the biggest sections where base coated in Cold Grey from Vallejo. 

Next, the other base sections where done with either Vallejo Black, or Vallejo Magic Blue.

And then came the hardest part.  Arthur has a lot of gold detailing, not present on the model, so using a 000 brush these had to be added with Vallejo Tinny Tan for the base.

This wasn`t the simplest of painting jobs on the smooth plastic armour platings, but it turned out okay if you ask me.  And in the second layer, I can start covering up some little things of those lines where needed, which is Sky Grey by Vallejo for all the parts that will become white.

That being done, it is time to do the other parts second layers, with Dark Rubber (Vallejo), Hawk Turquoise (Vallejo) for the blues and Brassy Brass (Vallejo) for the golds.

That making his second layer complete, it is time to start the touch ups in the third and final highlight.  The first and main colour herefore is Vallejo's Dead White.

Then the other areas are lighted in, respectively with Electric Blue of Vallejo, Necromancer Cloak of Army Painter and Bright Gold by Coat D'Arms.

So that is the model painted, now to do the "for now" basing, as well as adding a coat of AK matte varnish to the model.

And so Arthur stands ready to take the battle to the enemy in MechaTop, as I`m working out a stat card for the game as well.  But that is for a later post!

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