So the Far Side is planning to return to the hallowed grounds of the Tin Soldiers of Antwerp... but really, some upgrades will be seriously needed.
And that is both on the space as on the FWC front if we want to go at it again in earnest.
For example, our old space mats where the "woolen" one by MK and the likes, so needless to say 15 years old of which 7 or 8 have been in a dusty corner of the clubhouse means they are, well, done for. To that end, it's time to get some Deep Cut mats or the likes with space printes, in order to get some decent space gaming in again.
Same goes for asteroids, space stations and other sortlike things, they where really trashed over the years, and now I`ll be trying to find good files to print scenery up, the plastic is way more durable then the old foam on stem ones.
For Future War Commander, I`m going to be redoing my whole collection. As you could see in the various batreps of the game on the blog, that scenery is a sort of plaster that has been around for 10 to 15 years as well, and it is really starting to show. The wear on corners, cracks left and right meaning I should repair a lot of them from being stored in icecream boxes... not to mention the weight to move it around means I`m going to replace that as well.
Again I`m going for printed ones, and Thingiverse is full of epic scale, as well as easily downsizeable ones for 28mm and such, to be prepared for the Ender 3. And it'll allow me to go for more scifi orientated prints then the more suited for ww2 that we are now playing over. So more exotic styled buildings, more height in them most importantly, and the resources to REALLY fill a 6 by 4 for a fraction of the money buying scenery like the new Adeptus Titanicus stuff costs is a good prospect. And most buildings print out between half an hour to four hours tops anyways in that scale.
So what do I have planned? Well, in my mind's eye, I want to be able to put down the following tables and approximation of buildings...
Ground 3x3 tables:
Tattooine / desert planet: approx 50 houses of low and small size
Naboo: grassland planet, downscaled Naboo houses and palaces, about 30 I guess, with rolling landscapes and grasslands
Necron / alien jungle: think about the planet Aayla Secura was betrayed, with large plants, mushrooms etc, and a Necron complex in it, very densely populated so a lot of space veggies will be needed...
Cyberpunk: dense city of high buildings and low level ghetto like buildings, I guess this might easily go to the 50 or even 100 range, basically for cityfighting
Demonworld: mostly fantasy styled, srt of "homeworld" for my Emperor's Children force.
Ground 6x4 tables:
Generic scifi / Battletech: large buildings, basically everything that doesn't fit in the other categories like mech bays and the likes. Basically, the leftovers table...
Adeptus Titanicus: the traditional style of GW's buildings, ruined and intact alike. Might go easily to 100+ smaller scale pieces and a dozen or two large ones
6x4: generic table with jumpgates, stations etc...
3x3: asteroid field: about 50 small scale asteroids
Time to get this show on the road again!
WW2 Gurkhas
While taking stock of the Chindits and Gurkhas the other day, I realized
the only thing I had to finish that collection (and have another army at
1000 po...
4 uur geleden
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